23+ Homemade Vegan Milks for World Plant Milk Day


23+ Homemade Vegan Milks for World Plant Milk Day


If you're in a place where it's difficult to replace all of the milk you're using in recipes with another kind of milk, the best option is to try soy or almond.


If you can't find a substitute that works for your recipe, try cutting back on the amount of dairy milk used. For example, replace 1/4 cup of whole milk with 1/8 cup of whole milk plus 1/8 cup water plus an extra tablespoon of coconut oil or non-dairy butter.


Additionally, you can use plant milk in place of cow's milk for many baking and cooking tasks. Here are a few examples:


If you're new to using dairy-free milk in your cooking and baking, it's essential to start slow.


The best dairy-free milk option for children is soy. It has a neutral flavor and a light color, making it appropriate for children of all ages. Unlike almond or coconut milk, soy has the least saturated fat and is low in cholesterol.


Also, when substituting cow's milk with plant milk in recipes that call for cow's milk (such as white cake), try switching to a liquid-like unsweetened almond or rice milk as it will yield more cake.


Plant milk is a nut or seed-based beverage derived from plants. It can be made from any plant; however, most are produced from soybeans, almonds, oats, hazelnuts, coconuts and soya beans. Plant milk are high in protein and are often used as breakfast beverages.


There are more than 100 different varieties of both types of milk available on earth today. Though each variety may offer unique benefits for health purposes and dietary requirements, such as those with celiac disease or lactose intolerance to healthy cholesterol levels Plant milk have been used in various cultures for many years to help create a healthy lifestyle. Modern science has found plant milks to be rich sources of antioxidants that have been proven to have a positive effect on human health.


Milks have been used for many different purposes in cultures around the world; each country and culture has decided how to make their milk. Plants are uniquely designed with specific nutrients that are optimal for their growth.


According to "What are the health benefits of soy milk?" on Quora (2017):


"The nutrients in soy milk are credited with having potential effects on reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and macular degeneration."

As for the protein content: "Soy protein is also a great source of protein for vegetarians who may not get enough animal protein. Packed with all nine essential amino acids, a cup serving provides 18 grams of plant-based protein!"

"There's a reason why people often live longer when they drink two servings (two 8 oz glasses) per day."

"In countries where cow's milk products are unavailable or unaffordable and experts recommend daily

